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ExactFullText.exe - Background process

Background Job: ExactFullText.exe


The ExactFullText.exe background job is responsible for indexing words in documents and requests. Without running ExactFullText.exe searching for requests and documents is not possible, therefore this background job is mandatory and should always be set up to have a good install of e-Synergy. More information about setting up this background job can be found in this document: e-Synergy and the background applications.


Technical Information 

The results after running this background job are stored in two tables: DocumentWords and RequestWords. In these tables the words are linked to the GUID's of the documents and requests in which they were found. When a user searches for certain words in e-Synergy they are checked in the mentioned tables and the results are shown to the user. 

Also after each run an entry is made in the table BacoSettings. This entry states when the job was last run, so when the job is started again it won't index documents that were created or last modified before that time, it will only index documents which are created or last modified after that time. 

There is one specific parameter available with which the ExactFullText.exe can be run. The parameter /O: can be used to either index only requests or only index documents. This can be done by adding /O:1 for indexing only documents or adding /O:2 for indexing only requests. You can run the ExactFullText.exe with only one of these options, so if you want to index both requests and documents you either run the ExactFullText.exe without the /O: parameter or schedule two separate jobs. An example of the command line would look like this: 

  • C:\Synergy\bin\ExactFullText.exe /S:VORS31266-1 /D:DeltaBike /O:1


Settings e-Synergy 

For ExactFullText.exe there is one setting in e-Synergy which has influence on the way it runs. This setting can be found when creating new document categories. More information about creating document categories can be found in this document: On line help file: New: Main Category. When creating new documents one must also create subcategories. When making a subcategory the option 'Full text index' can be selected. This option defines whether documents in that subcategory are indexed or not.




When the ExactFullText.exe background job is running you can check the logentries via [System > Reports > Log > Processes]. These logentries indicate when something is going wrong while running the job.


Related Topics 

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.029.515
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment: